Ocular Evaluation

This intervention consist in performing near and distance visual acuity, eyes movement, pupilar reaction and when it’s possible, a fundus exam with every single child at the school. Distance vision is evaluated with HOTV chart or Snellen chart, near vision is evaluated with Rosembaum chart or with E chart when the child is not able to read. Pupilar reaction is evaluated with penlight or ophthalmoscope. Eye movements are useful to evaluate the II, IV and VI cranial nerves.

This intervention focuses in making early diagnosis of eye problems like: amblyopia, strabismus, near or distance abnormal acuity.

When it’s necessary the patient is referred to the proper hospitals for surgeries (strabismus) in Obras Sociales del Hermano Pedro, in Antigua Guatemala. If what is needed are glasses, our foundation or other medical mission could provide them.

We began with visual acuity and ocular imaging evaluations at El Mirador and Paxixil schools. This intervention will identify students with visual problems for an intervention and early correction that can ensure their best performance in school and their daily activities.

Objectives :

  • Evaluate normal ocular physiology; Near and far visual acuity, ocular muscular movements, pupillary reaction in the school population
  • Identify students with visual impairments for early intervention or correction (use of glasses).